David J. LeVant

Copywriting - Creative Direction - Marketing Strategy

“Some create in public. I go into my closet and pray.”

For a Living

Everywhere I’ve ever worked thought ad-hoc brainstorms were the best way to generate long, fruitful lists of bold ideas. One creative director, who valued personal creative time, fine tuned the process to consistently make brainstorms work.

His brainstorms weren’t a pop quiz. We were always told the assignment and given a deadline to show up to a meeting with ideas. Some, like him, used the time to lock themselves in a room. Some, like me, met in small groups to bounce ideas off each other. Some freaks of nature knew they’d come up with their best ideas on the spot. All that mattered was it worked.

For a Life

Anyone who knows if they’re an ENTJ or an INFP knows we all have preferred ways of interacting and making decisions. I’ve never trusted the “science” of Myers-Briggs or any other system enough to formally classify myself or others, but I do like being reminded that not everyone sees the world exactly like I do.

Everyone deserves their own own space to think. But we all need to come back to the table when we’re done. The best ideas feed on each other.

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This is another cool site design by James Bogue. © 2021 David J. LeVant, Inc. 45 Hilltop Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534 585.721.3082